Last day, we overslept and I dont feel like waking up. I start to hate a couple of stuff, moments,
But this is the warmest coffee I have so far. Err
We checked out and left our luggage with the reception and out for lunch. We went to Pentinum Fashion Mall as Ber need to go back and buy something. We settle our lunch there and the food is nice too.
Well we left for airport at 3pm as the flight is 4.55pm. However, our flight was cancelled and changed to any flight but still delayed!!! end up we reached Singapore at 1 am. Shitzzz that how we end our trip with unhappiness and pissed off.
Last but not least, hmm sorry, should be last no more 'least' cos we will never go together like this anymore. Not with this group. Hope u guys enjoyed yourselves with a selfless tour guide and left the place with good memories.
cc: Desmond:- dont think so much. Karma remember>> ? haha
alamak! everthing is karma to you.. dont abuse the word! haha~
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