As compared to the OC, I can sense that most of the staff actually respect me and have hope on me. With me, new processes and equipment are procured which they have waited for a long time. Some of the staff also think that I have great ideas on problematic people. My recent self-achievement is that all the NS boy reported for work and no one reporting sick!. Previously, there are at least 2-3 NS boys reporting sick and seeing doctor to them is no issue as is FOC. However, after I tell them that since u guys are sick and weak, then have to do more exercise. As for those who are MC, they will join me for 2.4km and resistance training on the following week. After hearing the 'torture', they rather report to work!!.
Honestly, I dont intent to name it as punishment. I really treat them as my family and children and wanted them to be fit ad healthy. Life is vulenable and fragile as God is not watching over us. We need to take care of ourselves. I wanted my chldren to learn to exercise regularly to prevent illnesses and dieases as our VIP!
I really like my current unit and hope things will be going well for me. Not by God's plan, good luck but my hardwork and efforts.
Here, a view of my office. Personal Room. hehe