2008 is a good year for me in term of work.Having an understanding boss who deserved my full respect for him. Although he is quite disorganised, but he is also there when there is a problem, a issue and a complaint. He is someone who surprisely able to solve such issue. I am the only one who is protected by him not to involve in any external events but just to concentrate in internal affairs and custodial management.
He also recognsed my hard work. As compared to other outstanding AOOs, he able to fight for me, having grade A for my performance and 3.8months performance bonus! much much more than annual bonus. Got my promotion competively in June. The only one promoted in my office. Dear ops guys! Take turn la!€ is your turn in 2009!
with retention bonus in Feb, PB in Mar, Mid Bonus, and year-end bonus, shit!! the income tax return is coming!!!!
In term of friend relationship.In tern of closed friend relationship, because of my heavy involvement in work and events, I being negecting them and also play them out on appointment and events. I even didnt attend my god-son's birthday on 26 Dec 2008 as busy in office for the count down work.. !
People who I hope to be close back the gap
Bros & Sister:- Janet & Eric
God daughter and son :- Ella and.....shit!! see I always forget my godson name! See what a bad god father.!!! haizzz
Wanting:- err she seem to be more busy than me
Ryan :- err: hope to meet u soon
Junyi :- Hope to see you soon for dinner
Lenneth :- sorry, always 'aeroplane' u...okok...sure will meet u at ebar one day.
Ex-students"= Edmund, Jason, Willie, Guofeng, and guys...hope to meet up soon!
In term of Love lifeNot that good. Happy to meet back ex but end up realising the true colour. Everybody who care for me have been discouraging from the start which I ignored. Now I understand their intention. Thanks guys, with this lesson, I understand you guys are always there for me and guide me when I am wrong. However, I been meeting someone, good, matured-thinking and sensible but is... nevermind, I will wait. Good things are always hard to get. :)
People I want to thanks for 2008Mr Sandiran :- Ex boss ' X Box' hehe, caught him playing X box during office hour!
Thanks for your guidance in work and office political lessons. Learn a lot from you,like ways to reply email, ways to deal with issues and problems. Thanks for fighting for my career!
OC Ops :- SSI Admin, SI Tan Kok Ann, SI Patrick, SSI Lay Hong and SI Siaw Kah Swee, SI Bakar
I am proud of myself in managing the 'elderly'I mean super senior people and they always respect me in what I am doing and agreed to my decisions. Without them, my work will not be any easy. I am proud to say that I handle these people better than any AOOs, and is recognised.
OC Ops, thanks for giving me a smooth 2008 and without yr leadership, the team will not be so well-managed. U are always there for guidances and like my father and mother!!:) muacks love u people.
Melvin, Eddy and my other 'XX' clubbers:- Thanks for being my good collegues, gym and also dinner buddy. Beside that, always there to listen to my needs and problem. U are always there as my brest friend and good listeners. Well, better year ahead for all of us!!
Cassadra, constance..and dixie memeber:- Pubbing will not be good and enjoyable without u guys on every Friday. Got stress up for the week and indeed a good place and pubbing friends to be with on end of the week. Fridy night. Especially Cass, been good counsellors, friends and pubbing parnter for the past 12 years!! We see each other been going thru a lot of ups and downs in life for the past 12 years!. Cass, good year ahead for us! I am always there for u!:)Muackzz
Last but not least, PP:- Mr Patrick Pang ZhiWei!!! My best Buddy who is always physically sitting beside me when working. I would sometime think that God is good to me only when I saw Patrick. My gifted buddy by God. I dont know how to describe the buddiness of us, but we share, we play, we work, we suffer, we enjoy...and we...no...no sex!!! Just real buddy. He is married to his wife, Junyi, who luckily supported ur buddiness. Haha to the extent, scold my buddy if he bully me! hehe. I express my fullest thanks and appreciation for being there in 2008 and u will always there for me and I be there for you irregardless where I posted to and where I am. Please no doubt I am posted to another office, but pls. Dont cry, we have to be tested as true buddy wherever we are and irregardless of distance right? I still there for u at least duting lunch time!!!Good Year ahead for us!!:)huat ya!!!